Chavrei HaSiyum is a revolutionary new initiative to promote daily learning. Harnessing the energy and excitement of the upcoming Siyum HaShas, hundreds of Shuls, kehillos, neighborhoods, communities and individuals will unify in a joint commitment to complete mesechtos, and making many Siyumim in conjunction with the massive global Siyum celebration.
As important as we all know Torah learning is, the challenge of incorporating this into our daily schedules is sometimes daunting. Chavrei HaSiyum helps you learn what you want, with whom you want, and at your own pace - together with the rest of Klal Yisroel.
About Chavrei HaSiyum
Don't just be an attendee. Be a mesayem.

What you want.
How you want.
When you want.
How you want.
When you want.
Whether through learning the Daf or Amud Yomi, Daf Hashovua, or any daily limud of Gemara, Torah is our life, our strength and our passion. This was the core of the great vision of Rav Meir Shapiro zt"l to promote unified daily commitment to Torah learning, and the mission we carry on today.
How it Works
Sign Up
using the form below
your limud of Gemara, Mishnayos or Tehilim & your pace
with your kehillah, learn on your own or join other like- minded groups worldwide
the next Siyum HaShas as a Mesayem, not just an attendee!
Join Today
Fill out the form below to have your shul/group become Chavrei HaSiyum.