The 13th Global Siyum Hashas of Daf YomiAgudath Israel of America
One Nation. One Siyum.
wembley arena
7 january, 2020   |  
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The Global Siyum
The Siyum unites worldwide Jewry in an unparalleled display of achdus. Jews from all walks of life join in pursuit of a common goal - the completion of Shas, in its entirety. In countries across the globe, the dedicated ranks of Shas Yidden are learning and achieving, as they work toward the upcoming 13th Siyum HaShas. The singular allegiance to Torah will once again be apparent, when we gather to celebrate the momentous culmination once again, on January 1, 2020

The last Siyum HaShas on August 1, 2012, was the most monumental event in recent Jewish history. It impacted, inspired and uplifted over 120,000 participants across 80 cities and 18 countries. The special moments and experiences of the last Siyum HaShas left a lifelong imprint on the collective memory of generations of Klal Yisroel.

The upcoming Siyum will be an even greater global celebration with an anticipated 200,000+ participants across cities and countries around the world. It will once again be historic.
Take a moment, close your eyes and hear the roar of Amein Yehei Shmei Rabbah.
Visualize the spontaneous eruption of singing and dancing as the majestic words
“Hadran Alach Talmud Bavli” resound across the stadium.
Picture the lasting impact of hundreds of thousands declaring in unison,
“Hashem Hu HaElokim.”
The Committees
These individuals have dedicated their time to carry out the great legacy of R’ Meir Shapiro zt”l to ensure the expansion of לימוד התורה and the increase of כבוד שמים generated by The Siyum
executive committee
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Yossi Schleider
Shia Chaim Grussgott
Shaul Bodner
Yitzi Scharfer
Yechiel Leitner
Baz Stern
Corporate Committee
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Yanky Rothschild
David Lubelsky
Boruch Moshe Lobenstein
Yechiel Leitner
Baz Stern
masmidei hasiyum Committee
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Yechiel Leitner
Baz Stern
Gavriel Lamm
Avi Yodaiken
Pini Strom
Moshe Levy
Yoini Kaufman
chavrei hasiyum Committee
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Daniel Klein
Shaul Bodner
Yitzi Scharfer
Daf Yomi Event Committee
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Menachem De-Jong
Boruch Moishe Lobenstein
Chesky Schapira
Avrumi Galandauer
Naftoli Vorst
Gedalye Reichman
Menasche Scharf
Avi Yodaiken
Shloime Merlin
Gavriel Lamm
David Lubelsky
Yaakov Greenberg
Shia Stobiecki
The 13th Global Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi  
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